Hope’s Wisdom
Traits difficult to embody
Sort between fact & fiction
Allowing hope to set us free
Hope does not tolerate lies
Hope never calls virtue vice
Hope is more than merely nice
Hope values being precise
Hope sustains us in despair
Gives us strength death to eschew
Past mistakes it can repair
Goodness Hope wants us to pursue
Hope seeks to do what is right
But before this is probable
The flesh may put up a fight
Making pleasure feel impossible
Hope brings more to us than joy
Hope may not be comforting
There are sad acts in our story
From death Hope is fleeing
We wrestle with hope and pain
Condemnation strangles life
Having hope may seem insane
Still, it overcomes our strife
Regardless of circumstance
Work hard hope to cultivate
Never leave life up to chance
Embrace hope your soul to elevate
Originally published in the Voegelin View.