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Privacy, Liberty’s Precondition

Liberty does not grow in every soil. Certain preconditions are necessary for freedom to flourish. Privacy is one of these necessary preconditions. Without the ability to live a life separate from unreasonable intrusions of the external world, freedom is illusory.

Soldier fighting against the abuses of terrorism

Lack of Privacy Leads to Political Abuses

In the Internet age, the distribution of state power has drastic implications for Americans’ civil and privacy rights. Across the globe, counterterrorism is weaponized as a pretext for civil rights abuses.

Home Address Doxxing

The Danger of Doxxing

What is doxxing?

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term as “publicly identify[ing] for [publication] private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge.”

Facial recognition of a face with lines

Facial Recognition Is Plagued by Problems

Robert Julian-Borchak Williams was arrested in the driveway of his home, taken to the local police station, and interrogated for a crime he did not commit. Mr. Williams was the victim of a facial recognition algorithm.